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Genesis Chapter Thirty-Eight

READ IT: 1-5 About that time, Judah separated from his brothers and went to stay with a man in Adullam named Hirah. While there, Judah...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Seven

READ IT: Meanwhile Jacob had settled down where his father had lived, the land of Canaan. Joseph and His Brothers 2 This is the story of...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Six

READ IT: This is the family tree of Esau, who is also called Edom. 2-3 Esau married women of Canaan: Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite;...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Five

READ IT: God spoke to Jacob: “Go back to Bethel. Stay there and build an altar to the God who revealed himself to you when you were...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Four

READ IT: 1-4 One day Dinah, the daughter Leah had given Jacob, went to visit some of the women in that country. Shechem, the son of Hamor...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Three

READ IT: 1-4 Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming with his four hundred men. He divided the children between Leah and Rachel and the two...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-Two

READ IT: 1-2 And Jacob went his way. Angels of God met him. When Jacob saw them he said, “Oh! God’s Camp!” And he named the place...

Genesis Chapter Thirty-One

READ IT: 1-2 Jacob learned that Laban’s sons were talking behind his back: “Jacob has used our father’s wealth to make himself rich at...

Genesis Chapter Thirty

READ IT: When Rachel realized that she wasn’t having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister. She told Jacob, “Give me...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Nine

READ IT: 1-3 Jacob set out again on his way to the people of the east. He noticed a well out in an open field with three flocks of sheep...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Eight

READ IT: 1-2 So Isaac called in Jacob and blessed him. Then he ordered him, “Don’t take a Canaanite wife. Leave at once. Go to Paddan...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Seven

READ IT: When Isaac had become an old man and was nearly blind, he called his eldest son, Esau, and said, “My son.” “Yes, Father?” 2-4...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Six

READ IT: There was a famine in the land, as bad as the famine during the time of Abraham. And Isaac went down to Abimelech, king of the...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Five

READ IT: 1-2 Abraham married a second time; his new wife was named Keturah. She gave birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and...

Genesis Chapter Twenty-Four

READ IT: Isaac and Rebekah Abraham was now an old man. God had blessed Abraham in every way. 2-4 Abraham spoke to the senior servant in...

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