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  • Writer's pictureMandy Lawrence-Hill

A Study of Ruth & Esther - Day 29

READ IT (5 mins):

(Esther 9: 8 -15)

8 and Poratha and Adalia and Aridatha 9 and Parmashta and Arisai and Aridai and Vaizatha, 10 the ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, but they laid no hand on the plunder.

11 That very day the number of those killed in Susa the citadel was reported to the king. 12 And the king said to Queen Esther, “In Susa the citadel the Jews have killed and destroyed 500 men and also the ten sons of Haman. What then have they done in the rest of the king's provinces! Now what is your wish? It shall be granted you. And what further is your request? It shall be fulfilled.” 13 And Esther said, “If it please the king, let the Jews who are in Susa be allowed tomorrow also to do according to this day's edict. And let the ten sons of Haman be hanged on the gallows.” 14 So the king commanded this to be done. A decree was issued in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman were hanged. 15 The Jews who were in Susa gathered also on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar and they killed 300 men in Susa, but they laid no hands on the plunder.

JOURNAL IT (5 mins):

  1. Do you have any questions about what you just read? I encourage you to seek until you find the answer you are looking for.

  2. How has this chapter inspired you?

  3. How has this chapter challenged you?

PRAYER (10 mins):

Prayer prompts:

1. Spend a few moments praising God and telling him at least one thing you are thankful for. (Psalm 150)

2. Has the Lord convicted you of something in your heart? Repent. (Acts 17:20)

3. What burdens you today? Give your worries over to him and let him carry the load that burdens you. (Matthew 11:28-30)

4. Stop! Is God speaking to you? Listen. (John 16:13)

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