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  • Writer's pictureMandy Lawrence-Hill

Day 16: Joshua 16

Allotment for Ephraim and Manasseh

16 The allotment for Joseph began at the Jordan, east of the springs of Jericho, and went up from there through the desert into the hill country of Bethel. 2 It went on from Bethel (that is, Luz), crossed over to the territory of the Arkites in Ataroth, 3 descended westward to the territory of the Japhletites as far as the region of Lower Beth Horon and on to Gezer, ending at the Mediterranean Sea.

4 So Manasseh and Ephraim, the descendants of Joseph, received their inheritance.

5 This was the territory of Ephraim, according to its clans:

The boundary of their inheritance went from Ataroth Addar in the east to Upper Beth Horon 6 and continued to the Mediterranean Sea. From Mikmethath on the north it curved eastward to Taanath Shiloh, passing by it to Janoah on the east. 7 Then it went down from Janoah to Ataroth and Naarah, touched Jericho and came out at the Jordan. 8 From Tappuah the border went west to the Kanah Ravine and ended at the Mediterranean Sea. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the Ephraimites, according to its clans. 9 It also included all the towns and their villages that were set aside for the Ephraimites within the inheritance of the Manassites.

10 They did not dislodge the Canaanites living in Gezer; to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to do forced labor.


  1. Do you have any questions about what you have just read?

  2. How has this chapter inspired you?

  3. How has this chapter challenged you?


Set a timer for 3 minutes (put away all phones, books, music, tv - any kind of distraction) and just yield. Listen. Be still.

What is the Lord speaking to you today? Journal your thoughts into a notebook.


Prayer prompts:

  1. Spend time telling God one thing you're thankful to him for today.

  2. Repent for one thing God has been convicting you of today.

  3. Ask God for his divine touch on something that burdens you today.

  4. Stop and a few minutes listening for God's voice.

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